Welcome to our solar system.

This is a basic simulation of our solar system, all planets have been scaled save for the sun which is way too big to fit on the scene (even scaled). Palnet orbits do nor correspod to their real life counterparts (yet). This project was developed as a homework for Coursera's Introduction to Game Development course

The controllers (How to "play")

This "game" allows you to move around a replica of our solar system. To move, use the WASD keys, move the mouse to look around, and use the mouse scrollwheel to acend or decend, click to shoot the planets and obtain information about them.

Model "actors"

The Sun

The Sun sits at a massive circunference of 109 times that of the Earth, that 4379000 km curcunference, and it's the main source of heat, and light of our solar system


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it's radius (equatorial) is 2,439.7 km thus making it the smallest planet in the solar system; mercury orbits the sun so quickly that "mercurial year" is equivalent to about 88 Earth days.


Venus is second planet of our solar system, named after the roman goddess of love, it's diameter is 12,092 km (only 650 km less than Earth's). A year in Venus is equivalent to 224.7 Earth days


"The blue planet" named after it's abundance of water on it's surface and it's atmospheric hue, is third in distance to the Sun, and the only planet in our solar system known to host life. It's radious is 6378.1 km making it the largest of the "inner planets" or our system.


"The red planet" , named after the roman god of war, is the only other planet in the system belived to have hosted water at some point in history, now long gone, it's atmosphere consist of mostly CO2 and iron rust. It's radius of about 3396.2 km makes it smaller than Earth and Venus.


Jupiter is a massive planet, first of the "outer planets"" of our solar system, is so massive that if all the mass of all the other planets was put together Jupiter would be 2.5 times that mass. It has a radius of about 71492 km and is orbiting the sun at such great distance that a year in Jupiter is about 11.8618 years on Earth.


Saturn , known for it's ring system, is a planet pretty similar in composition to Jupiter, altough not as massive, with a radious of about 60268 km. A year in Saturn is about 29.4571 Earth years.


Uranus , also known as one of the "ice giants" of the solar system, is the thrid largest planet of out system with a radius of 25559 km, or roughly about 4 times Earth's.


Neptune , the fourth-largest planet of the system by diameter with a radius of aproximatelly 24764 km is the farthest from the Sun.


Coding and creation of the project by Andres Mrad (Q-ro).

Music by: meowtek and reacthor .

Special thanks to Brian Winn for being an awesome teacher and for some of the scripts used on this project

Images courtesy of NASA.